Who does not know the vegetable spinach, that contain lots of iron is found everywhere. The growth is very easy, can even grow in the courtyard of the House. But if you want better results, surely you have to harvest them yourself and take care of it properly.
To plant spinach was very easy. However there are a number of ways, which is certainly a way to each other there are differences depending on the type of the spinach itself. Well, for this time I will share about how to plant spinach spinach, namely king super broad-leaved.
A little bit I tell that this king of spinach leaf width, and its leaves do not elongate or pointy. The leaves are rounded, more likely to be shaped and colored green. While the tree is green. The obvious types of spinach is different from that normally grow in the gardens.
Actually for any name I do not know exactly. It's just that the farmers here call it spinach king, there are also mentions of spinach salad or fried spinach. Well, to your own cultivation occurring, please read more below.
1. First prepare the ground to spread his seed. Try to land in the fertile and humid.
2. Then clean the land of grass weeds. If you want dug it up, it's nicer. But if there is also no problem as long as the condition of the soil was already loose.
3. Further spread the seeds of spinach in the land of the dike wall. Try to flush if you give the roof on the place seed is spread so that the soil is not to dry out. If you do not give roofing, you also have to be watered if rain is rare. The process of watering is done in the morning or the afternoon, until he is grown and ready to move.
4. Prepare the soil more broadly to plant seeds that have been sown spinach. Cleanse the land, then hoe if too hard. But if the soil is not too hard, just give holes to plug a seedling planting spinach with a distance of approximately 30 cm.
5. Unplug the seeds with soil, if he has aged more or less 40 days since the first spread his seed. If you do not want to overly complicated, just unplug the spinach seeds with your hands, without the need to quote the land.
6. Planting spinach have you pull into the holes that you have made. Try planting is done in the evening, so that when he is adapting to the new land in the hot sun without night time in order not easily shriveled.
7. Flush the spinach planted it sufficiently, so that it becomes fresh. Then don't forget if the fields place the spinach dry planting, flush only in the morning or afternoon. A clear aim so that the soil is always moist.
Well, easy is not it? Now you live information on the stages of treatment and just wait for the spinach You harvested ready. Well, quite a few of my writing about how to plant spinach cracker, may be useful. Thank you.
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